1242 Crescent Dr. | Wheelersburg, OH 45694

Why We Care Series

June 1, 2022
From our newest staff members to our longest employed, each person has a different journey and steps up to make a difference in our residents’ lives. It takes a special kind of individual to work in this field, and we honor these selfless healthcare workers. Their daily tasks include showing our residents personalized care through our person-centered approach, which is individualized and unique to each resident.

Follow along as we showcase the hearts and souls at our skilled nursing facility by asking our teams how they show their care to our residents and why they chose the career path of healthcare/long-term care. Find out why a handful of our employees are so passionate about being a caretaker by heading over to our Facebook page!

Don’t miss out on everything we have going on at Concord Health! Like us on Facebook to see what we’re up to next!

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News & Events

July Employee of the Month
Help us recognize Aundrea Cline, our Activity Assistant!

Beyond the Profession: Mandy's Tribute to Mamaw Evelyn
Hear Mandy's reason for working in healthcare and why she makes a difference!

Hearts Entwined: Love Stories from Concord Health
Meet the two magnificent couples of Concord Health!

A Memorable Halloween: Concord's Annual Trunk-or-Treat
Our celebration brought so much joy to our residents, staff, and community!

Come celebrate Halloween with Concord Health and Rehab!

September Perfect Attendance Winner
Congratulations to our devoted STNA, Dallas Dyer!

Parking Lot Yard Sale
Don't miss our yard sale at Concord Health!

Get Involved!
Become a Volunteer at Concord Health!

Annual Easter Egg Hunt!
Celebrate Easter with Concord Health!

January Employee of the Month
Recognizing Martina Shope as our January EOM!

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